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Mentoring is available in an hourly, monthly or quarterly format. We will do an initial consultation for you to determine what will be the most beneficial option for you based on your skill level and what areas you need assistance with. 

Hourly Mentoring Rates:
2 Hours $400
4 Hours $700
8 Hours $1200

Monthly Mentoring Rates:

4 hours a month for a minimum of 3 months (12, 1 hour sessions)


Quarterly Mentoring Rates:

8 hours every quarter (1 year min) (can be all in one day or split up)


Portfolio Building


Are you a new photographer and looking to build your portfolio?

Build your portfolio with a full day of hands-on shooting in Arnica’s studio or have her come to your studio to help you figure out the best use of your space & light. Arnica will instruct and guide you while answering questions along the way. Models, makeup, clothes and styling will be provided. You keep the images and copyright for use on your website and advertising. Lunch and snacks will be provided as well as a 30 min headshot session for you so that you have some beautiful images of yourself to represent your business with!


*you will be responsible for any travel and hotel costs.

*add a full glamour or portrait session for an additional $2000

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